We really don't know what to do around here when it snows. I would like to say that we all sit around the fire and drink hot chocolate for hours while reading the Bible and classic novels but sadly that is not the truth. Oh we do a small amount of reading and watching TV Land but mostly we just get on each others nerves! Sorry if that kills your Rockwell image of a pastors home but it is what it is. Last night we played Trivial Pursuit for about 2 hours and it almost ended in blood shed when Tyler smacked Adam in the face with a T-shirt but other than that it was all very heart warming.
The one thing that seems to save our sanity is food. We southerners know how to hunker down in the face of a blizzard. We understand that going to the Krogers and buying enough groceries for a month is a rite of passage in these parts and we take that responsibility very seriously. So in the spirit of Carolyn Ingalls I did my duty and bought a mountain of food which in the course of approx. 48 hours is almost gone. Doritos...gone. Cookies...gone. Ice Cream...gone. All the good stuff required for surviving the one and one half inch of snow, gone. So today they will all be forced to eat soup. That's right. VEGETABLE SOUP! But don't kid yourself into thinking I grew a cotton pickin' one of the veggies. Kroger did a good job of that for me and was even nice enough to put it all in cans! Go Figure! So here it is, the soup that will save the day. A soup that Carolyn Ingalls could only WISH she could have made while Pa was clinging to a rope tied between the house and the barn as he braved the BLIZZARD of the century to save "Half-Pint" from freezing to death in the winter storm!
Southern Blizzard Soup:
Brown one pound of ground beef along with one small chopped onion, drain.
Add one can of Veg-All, two cans of tomato soup followed by two cans of water.
Throw in one can of pork n beans and a can of corn. I usualy use Mexi-Corn. Cut up about two or three potatoes and throw em' in the pot. The next step is for those who want an extra added kick and could care less about the potential for heartburn. Ready..... add approx. half a can of Ro-Tel. Let the whole thing simmer until the potatoes are done. Grab some saltines,and rise up and call your self blessed. This soup is enjoyed most while watching hour of mindless television!